Daily I receive lots of questions from clients on my Internet business coaching program about how to start a money making Internet business. The most frequently asked question is "what's the first step to take?"
Now, before I give you the answer, I would like you to digest this story about the experiences encountered by one of my client. This will give you a better understanding of the first step to take when building a profit-pulling Internet business.
The client began by building a website that would make tons of money applying all the step by step process of building a money making website.
After launching his website using methods preached by Internet business experts such as press releases and other website promotion techniques yet he couldn't make the money he dreamed off.
Because of this awful development he wanted to call it quit. But because he had followed what personal development experts preach, such as the phrase "don't quit no matter what happens" yet he still couldn't make money after sticking to a very good marketing plan despite the fact that he was losing money.
At the end he quit simply because he doesn't know what to do, in order to turn the business around.
How would you feel going through this unpleasant path in your Internet business venture? You will feel depressed and at some point you would even say that making money on the Internet is a myth, meaning that it is impossible.
If you have experienced the above scenario or you want to start an online business my advice is that you should not despair. The reason why the individual whose story narrated above failed is because he did not choose a profitable niche to work with.
You see, choosing a profitable niche to work with is the first step to making money online. If you get it wrong all your marketing effort is doomed to fail. Therefore, when starting out to build a money making Internet business, I suggest you spend considerable time to select a profitable niche market to work with.
If you don't know how to choose a profitable niche market, don't panic. Below is a listing of some of the best niche market that you can choose from to make a fortune online.
* Automobiles
* Business
* Children
* Parenting
* Computers
* Technology
* Contests
* Sweepstakes
* Education
* Entertainment
* Food/ wine
* Home
* Gardening
* Humor
* Internet marketing
* Investing
* Money
* Pets
* Religion
* Inspiration
* Self - improvement
* Sports
* Recreation
* Travel
* Tourism
* Free stuff
* Genealogy
* Health
* Fitness
* Writing
* Reading
* Women issues
* Relationship
The list is not exhaustive but you can use it for a start. If you cannot find your niche market of interest here, there is a shortcut to choosing a niche. The shortcut is that any evergreen topic is always a bestseller niche.
An evergreen topic or subject is one that cut across gender, age, race and countries. If you go to any community worldwide you will find out that it concerns everybody, in fact some even concern animals and plants. An example of an evergreen topic that can be used as niche market is FOOD.
Human beings whether male or female and even animals must eat food, therefore if you consider food as your niche market, I can say with a high degree of certainty that you'll make tons of money. Why? Because your audience is large. You see, the larger your audience the more money you stand to make.
The problem you will face in choosing an evergreen niche is that you'll be faced with lots of competition. They best way to reduce that competition is to specialize, meaning that you should target a small segment of that huge population. In essence, you should choose a micro-niche that is subcategory of a niche.
For example, if your main category is about food you may choose Italian recipe as your micro-niche, especially if you have knowledge about Italian recipe. You stand a high chance of making money, if you sell information about Italian recipe to your audience. The information about the recipe could be written and compiled as an ebook or demonstrated as video etc.
You could replicate this technique so as to create multiple streams of income by building Internet businesses on other micro-niches within your current niche or a new niche that you want to explore.
Although the method described above contain the basic information about choosing your niche market the detail step by step technique cannot be covered in this article. You can get detail information by researching the major search engines like Google.com, Yahoo.com and MSN.com.
It is important to point out that there are software that can automate niche market research for you. Most of the niche market research software (also known as keyword research tool) are hosted in a remote server online. Examples include Keyword Discovery, Wordtracker, Yooter and Overture Keyword Selector Tool.
Despite the fact that software can automate the process of niche market research, keep in mind that you have to interpret the figures in the output result of the software to decide whether a niche is profitable or not.
A very good site where you can get profitable niches that you can work with for free is NicheADay.com. This site gives just the name of a niche, but doesn't give you information about what the needs are in the niche. If you want to find out what the niche is hungry for, then you'll have to carry out extensive research using any of the automate software listed above.
Having learned the basic technique of choosing a money making niche market, the next step for you to take is that you should take action now by applying the concept explained above. Don't procrastinate.
Akpemi A. Musa is the author of the bestseller book titled:
Article Millions Exposed - How to Make Money Selling Articles. In the book you'll learn the ideas, techniques and methods used in making $2000+ monthly writing and selling articles in your home based Internet business. For a limited time Download FREE 50+ pages excerpt copy of the book.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Akpemi_Musa
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