Websites are indeed a great way to make extra money in these trying financial times. There is one problem though. You can't quit your day job to run websites all day. Most people don't have the time or knowledge to create a website, never mind manage one. With the development of RSS technology you can now buy an automated website.
Just imagine a website that does everything for you and updates itself every day so you can go about your business while the website does all the work. Does this sound too good to be true? It really isn't. With an automated website all you have to do is promote the website to make money with it.
How does an automated website work? I'm sure this is the main question in your head right now. It is through the technology of RSS feeds. RSS stands for really simple syndication and tons of websites have RSS feeds available for free. They want other sites to pick up their feeds because then their sites become more popular. You can have news, video and product feeds.
RSS news feeds are great if you have any type of informational website. If you get a Google news feed for your particular topic, a list of the most current news items from Google will be displayed on your website ever time it loads. You will find that most of the time these news stories are only a few hours old. This is the greatest way to keep your news up to date.
Websites like ebay and amazon let you use their feeds and then pay you a commission if someone buys from your website. The products are updated automatically every time your automated website loads a page. These affiliate programs are a great way to make money on autopilot.
Most automated websites will also include Google AdSense into the site. These are ads that are automatically loaded to the website to fit its content perfectly. Every time someone visits your site and clicks one of these ads you get paid a commission. This is for someone just clicking, not even buying anything.
Don't get me wrong, you can't just buy an automated website and watch the money come rolling in. There is some work involved in promoting the website. After all if no one ever visits the website you won't make any money. But at least you won't ever have to worry about keeping your site current, because that will all be taken care of automatically.
The other great thing is you can buy an automated website for pretty cheap money. So if you can't build one on your own, don't worry they are for sale and they are far less expensive than you might be thinking.
If you want more information, or would like to buy an automated website, visit my site
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